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Enterprise Architecture (EA)

Enterprise Architecture (EA) News & Events

Enterprise Architecture – No Longer Where Agile Goes to Die

Enterprise architecture (EA) is often portrayed as the chalk to the agile manifesto’s cheese. Any initiative within an organization to bring speed and agility hits a hard stop as soon as it breaches the world o...

Enterprise Architecture (EA) News & Events Quick Tips

Why Your Digital Transformation Needs Enterprise Architecture

Change is constant, and it continues to accelerate. So how do you adapt and avoid being swept aside by its winds? Staying relevant has become the biggest challenge for CIOs and business leaders alike. No longer...

Cloud Enterprise Architecture (EA) Quick Tips

What is Cloud Migration?

It’s quite likely by now that you’ve had some sort of top level directive to migrate your infrastructure to the cloud. To the CEO, this might sound like a simple straightforward task. But you know the risks, the complications and the dangers to the business. Get it wrong and the consequences could be catastrophic.